Port Canaveral, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, and Orlando
We have finally made it! Glorious April! Calm seas will come our way and the fishing is about to get stellar.
The King will be happy this month and when the king is happy, everything is happy. Fast action live bait trolling is going to be the ticket for guaranteed successful fun filled days. King Mackerel will dominate but we always get cobia, mahi, black fin tuna and sailfish in the mix.

It’s about to be Tuna and Mahi time! The backside of the Stream will come alive and the best tuna and mahi catches of the year are about to happen. Tuna Trips take a very big commitment and come with a large price tag but this one trip has the potential to produce more than 20 other trips combined. It’s still fishing so there are no guarantees but once you experience your first successful tuna trip, you won’t want to do anything else.

This is also a great time of year for swordfish. Calm seas make for quick travel time to the Sword Grounds. Sword Fishing is always boring until it’s not, but the adrenaline spike when it happens is worth the wait.

We also have a very good chance to have good blue water trolling on this side of the stream. This can be done on full day trips. Mahi, sails, blackfin tuna, and the occasional wahoo are the targets The Nearshore and Shark trips are going to be very good. Just like fisherman, the fish prefer calm seas and clean water. People often ask when the best fishing is. Our best fishing is actually year round but having calm seas for a few consecutive days straight is always the key to the most successful trips.

We are really counting on April to turn the dial back on the wind and allow us access to all the great fishing, leading into May.

The Suzuki Repower Fishing Report is sponsored by Mastry Suzuki Repower
Captain Greg Rapp
Sealeveler Sport Fishing Charters
Phone: (321) 794-3474
Capt. Greg on the web: https://www.sealeveler.com/
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About Captain Greg’s Reports and Forecast
Captain Greg has been fishing the waters of Port Canaveral and the Atlantic for over 30 years. He has the largest and most highly rated private charter business in Port Canaveral, Sea Leveler Sport Fishing Charters. Greg and his team of full time captains fish well over 200 days each per year. We have kept detailed catch history for every trip ran since 2010. You can access this history at www.sealeveler.com/reports. His engineer wife, Amber, has analyzed the catch history along with other historical data such as water temperature and weather patterns. Greg uses his fishing experience and knowledge along with his wife’s statistical analysis to bring you the best fishing report available for Port Canaveral. Greg will give you the honest truth on how the fishing has been along with his best prediction of what to expect by using all of this information.
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