Tournament Rules and Regulations
1. The Tournament rules may be changed any time through the conclusion of the Captain’s Meeting. Our Captain’s Meeting is Thursday April 24, 2025 is mandatory for each boat/team. Gates open at 5PM & Team check-in starts at 6:30PM
2. Old Salt King of the Beach is a weight-based tournament. Anglers, regardless the division, will present their King Mackerel and Spanish Mackerel at the weigh-in on Saturday April 26, 2025 as indicated below. All paid places in each division are determined by the weight of the fish presented at the weigh-in. The heaviest fish in each division is deemed the winner in that division. Additional paid places in each division are awarded on weight as well, heaviest fish to lightest fish weighed.
3. Every boat/team must be paid and registered prior to midnight Friday, April 26, 2024. No refund of entry fees unless the tournament committee cancels the tournament. The entire team (all of the anglers fishing the tournament for the team) must be declared on the registration form. Definition of Team: Captains/Boat Owners will determine number up to maximum capacity of their vessel, kayaks are considered a vessel and only can have as many anglers as one vessel permits (combining multiple kayaks is not permitted) if fishing from land your team will have a max of 2 anglers on your team
4. Eligible species limited to King Mackerel. Eligible fish must measure at least 30” from nose to fork.
5. Fishing starts at 6:00 am Saturday, April 26, 2025. No lines in the water prior to this time.
NORTH: Cedar Key – 29 08 000 / SOUTH, Boca Grande Pass 26 39 000,
WEST: 83 20 00 (approx. 30 miles west of the Johns Pass Safe Water Marker).
6. All King Mackerel and Spanish Mackerel must be caught with hand held rods and reels. No electric reels. Only exception is electric reels may be used for kite fishing rods.
7. Two or more boats coming in physical contact during fishing hours in any manner will be disqualified. A boat rendering assistance to another boat will not be disqualified in the case of an emergency at sea, such as onboard fire, sinking, medical emergencies, etc. Any boat/team that receives assistance, other than outlined previously, from another boat will be disqualified from the tournament.
8. This is a captain’s choice tournament. Therefore it is up to the discretion of the registered captain/boat owner to determine whether his or her craft is seaworthy for existing sea conditions. Participants are encouraged to scan channel 16, in addition to the tournament channel (68) to keep abreast of any marine or weather warnings. The captain/boat owner is responsible for all members of his or her crew both on and off the water.
9. Teams / Anglers must be in weigh-in line by 5:00 PM, Saturday, April 26, 2025 at the Madeira Beach Recreational Complex, 200 Rex Place – Madeira Beach. (NO EXCEPTIONS). Scales will open at approximately 3:15pm. All teams/anglers must go to weigh-in check-in tent first. You must have your hand stamped and your King Mackerel and/or Spanish Mackerel tagged to be eligible to weigh. Every fish must be accompanied with its own weigh slip. (One weigh slip per fish) Tournament officials will be at drop dock and gates to verify time and call last in weigh-in line.
10. King Mackerel and Spanish Mackerel may be brought to the weigh-in by boat or by car. A crew member must accompany the fish during the weigh-in. One fish per division, per boat may be weighed, with the exception of Overall and Single Engine – You must choose only one of these divisions to weigh in. The only means of transportation during the tournament is by boat or car.
11. No rotten or mutilated fish will be weighed in. All fish weighed become property of the Old Salt Fishing Foundation. Unwanted fish may be donated so every fish needs to be properly iced and cared for.
12. Any King Mackerel or Spanish Mackerel weighed-in containing lead or any foreign matter will be subject to disqualification as determined by the tournament weigh master.
13. Youth Division – Sponsored by FISH: To be eligible for the Youth Division Prizes the child must be 14 years of age or younger on the tournament date. They must catch and reel the fish to point of gaff. One fish can be weighed in this division per boat/team.
14. Ladies Division – Sponsored by Johnston Jewelers: To be eligible for the Ladies Division the Lady Angler must be 15 years of age or older. She must catch and reel the fish to point of gaff. One fish can be weighed in this division per boat/team.
15. Single Outboard Engine Division – Sponsored by Suzuki Repower: To be eligible you must fish from a single outboard engine boat. (a kicker or small trolling motor does not count as a second engine) At time of weigh-in you must choose to weigh your fish in the Single Outboard Engine Division or the Overall Division, by indicating it on your weigh slip. Only one fish can be weighed in this division per boat/team and will not count in the Overall Division the team must choose the division their fish will be weighed in prior to weighing their fish.
16. Year to Date Prize – Sponsored by Owen and Sons Aluminum Trailers: This prize will be awarded to the King Mackerel that is closest to 20.24lbs in weight with out going over. This is not a separate division. All King Mackerel Divisions are eligible to win this prize.
17. Protests made to the tournament committee shall be accompanied by $500 cash deposit. a protest must be presented no later than 30 minutes after the last fish is weighed. The $500 cash deposit will be returned if the protest is upheld by the tournament committee. The $500 cash deposit will become the property of the Old Salt Fishing Foundation if the protest is not upheld. Decision of the tournament committee will be final.
18. By entering into the tournament each captain/boat owner agrees to submit to polygraph testing and abide by its conclusion. The polygraph test(s) will be issued at the discretion of the tournament directors. A minimum of five (5) tests will be performed; First Place Overall, First Place Single Outboard Engine, First Spanish Mackerel and two other random places. The results of the polygraph test are final and cannot be protested or reviewed by a court of law. Failure to take, pass and/or submit to the polygraph will result in disqualification of entire team and forfeit all winnings awarded.
Each contestant selected for polygraph must have in their possession a valid picture ID. Captain/Boat Owner listed on registration form is required to take test. Tests will be given on Sunday, April 27, 2025. Winning Checks for chosen teams will be awarded after passing of the test at the award ceremony.
19. Tournament Directors have the right to board any boat and view any marine, fishing equipment & boats GPS Tract.
20. In the event of a tie, the boat/team that weighs their fish first breaks the tie.
21. ALL TOURNAMENT WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT AT TOURNAMENT AWARDS TO RECEIVE WINNINGS CHECK. Anyone receiving a check or prize from this Tournament must complete a W-9 Form before check will be written. Awards will begin at 11:30 am – Sunday, April 27, 2024. It will be held at the Caddy’s in John’s Pass – at the Tiki Hut. (Minimum of one team member authorized to fill out paperwork and receive check must be present otherwise the winnings will be forfeited)
22.Tournament within a Tournament – TWT (Optional Entries) applies to the King Mackerel OVERALL & SINGLE ENGINE DIVISIONS and will payout 3 places to the top teams that paid into the TWT. 50% – 30% – 20% Split. There are three TWT’s offered: Standard for $110, High Roller for $250 and Smoker at $500. One or all three may be entered and won.
23. Overall Aggregate Division is a Spring and Fall 2 fish Aggregate. (Optional Entry $50 paid at Spring KOTB) The weight of the Spring Kingfish weighed in combined with weight of the Fall Kingfish (2 Fish Total) will be the total. The Captain/Boat Owner with the highest/most Pounds Wins, One Place Paid, Winner Takes All. To be Eligible, Team Must Pay into Aggregate at Spring KOTB, 2024. Aggregate will follow the Captain/Boat Owner listed on Springs KOTB Registration form to Fall KOTB (NOT team/boat name).
24. All payouts including first place are based on 350 boats. One Place Paid for every 10 boats Registered, up to 30 Places.
25. Travel Team Division sponsored by Fishing Nosara: To qualify for the Travel Team Division the Captain/Boat Owner listed on the tournament registration form must physically reside 75 miles or more from Madeira Beach, Florida.
26. The tournament committee has the right to refuse entry to any applicant. In the event such refusal occurs, 100% of the applicant’s entry fee will be returned.
27. Registered boats must comply with State, Federal and U.S.C.G. safety and fishing regulations. All Old Salt Tournament Rules must be adhered to.
28. The decisions of the Old Salt Tournament Committee and Weigh Master are final.
1. All Tournament rules stated above apply to this division (except: #4, 13, 14, 15, 22& 23).
2. This is a boat/team event, $75 add on for King of the Beach Registered boats / $155 for Non-King of the Beach boats fishing for Spanish Mackerel only. Only eligible for Spanish Mackerel prizes.
3. Eligible species limited to Spanish Mackerel. Eligible fish must measure at least 15” from the nose to the fork.
4. Payouts are based on number of entries. Only one (1) Spanish Mackerel per boat/team can be weighed in.Approx 10 places will be paid out.
GOOD LUCK! Remember Fishing Etiquette is a MUST. Be nice to your fellow Anglers.