Ladies Teal Carpet Fishing Tournament
2024 Old Salt Ladies Teal Carpet Tournament
Rules and Regulations
- Fishing boundaries include all inland and tributary waters from Cedar Key to Naples, including the Gulf of Mexico as far west as you safely care to go.
- This is an angler tournament; each lady angler (12 yrs and above) must register and pay individually.
- Eligible Species*: Red Grouper, American Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Kingfish, Tuna, Flounder, Sheepshead, Redfish (photo release), Snook (photo release) and Sea Trout (photo release) * Fish must be in season to be weighed in the tournament.
- All women (12 yrs and above) must be paid and registered prior to Friday, June 21, 2024– 8pm to be eligible.
- Lady angler must hook, fight and bring the fish to point of net or gaff. I.G.F.A. Rules apply. ** With Exception…. you do not need to remove the rod from the rod holder if you do not choose.
- YOUTH ANGLER DIVISION – FREE ENTRY – Girls under 12 and boys under 8 are eligible for the Youth Angler Prizes. The youth must be accompanied by a paid tournament participant. They must catch and reel the fish to point of gaff. Youth Angler will be marked on the tournament weigh slip, and they will not be eligible for the cash prizes.
- No Rod passing.
- Fishing Begins at 12:01 am on Saturday June 22, 2024
- Men ARE ALLOWED to catch bait via cast net or spinning rod during the tournament, but should not touch any other rods during fishing hours.
- All fish must be caught with hand held rods and reels.
- No rotten or mutilated fish will be weighed in.
- Official tournament VHF channel is 68.
- REDFISH, SEA TROUT and SNOOK: These species are photo release only. Pictures must be taken with nose of fish facing left, flush against an official Old Salt yellow measuring sticker (available for purchase at Captain’s Meeting – $6). All measurement numbers must be visible or the photo will be disqualified. Pinched tails and the picture must include the entire fish and clearly show the overall length. A photo indicator (playing card) will be posted online on Friday, June 21st at 8pm. T hat indicator must be in all the photos, you can print what is sent or use the designated card from any deck of playing cards. Anglers are responsible for providing their own digital photo equipment. Only digital photos will be accepted. We will accept photos from your smart phones. You will need to send them to (727) 422-0090 please include your name when sending pictures.
- Master Angler Award – the lady angler with the most of the 10 eligible species weighed (or photo released). In the event of a tie for the Master Angler Award, the earliest lady angler weighing in will be the winner.
- All fish must be of legal size per state and federal regulations.
- Anglers are responsible for applicable fishing license requirements.
- The honor system applies throughout the entire tournament.
- We encourage fish to be brought by car to weigh-in, but you may bring fish by boat.
- Boats coming into Doc Ford’s Jungle Terrace Location, should obey the NO WAKE ZONES. Please allow adequate time for last minute arrivals. Dock space is limited – first come first served – Do not block the drop off zone with your boat.
- Angler must be in line to weigh fish at Doc Ford’s Jungle Terrace Location, by 5:00 pm, Saturday June 22, 2024. The actual weigh-in will start at 4pm.
- The Old Salt Fishing Foundation Ladies Tournament encourages the live release of all fish not needed for the tournament.
- Anglers may weigh in only one fish per species. All fish are the property of the angler.
- Protests must be submitted in writing, and accompanied by a $200.00 deposit by 6:00 pm., Saturday, June 22, 2024.
- If there should be a dispute of any kind, the decision of the Board of Directors and the Weighmaster will be final.
- ALL TOURNAMENT WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT AT TOURNAMENT AWARDS TO RECEIVE WINNINGS CHECK. If you are not present you forfeit your winnings. Anyone receiving a total prize valued at $600 or more from this Tournament must complete a W-9 Form before check will be written. Awards will begin at approximately 7:30pm – Saturday June 22, 2024.
- The Old Salt Fishing Foundation board of directors has the right to change the rules up to or during the anglers meeting. We also reserve the right to refuse any registration. The decisions made by the board will be final.