Johnny Kellar Inshore Fishing Tournament
2025 Tournament Rules and Regulations
1. Captain’s Meeting is mandatory for each registered Angler.
2. The rules may be changed, at any time, through the Captain’s Meeting.
3. This is an Angler Tournament. All anglers must be paid and
registered prior to midnight, Friday, January 30th, 2025. No refund
of entry fees.
4. Eligible Species: Flounder, Trout, Black Drum, Sheepshead,
Snook, and Redfish (Snook, Redfish and Trout are photo release,
see photo release rules)
5. Boundaries are from Cedar Key to Naples, inshore of the
COLREGS Demarcation line to open waters.
6. Fishing starts at 6:00 am Saturday, February 1st, 2025. No lines
in water prior to this time.
7. All fishing and angling methods must comply with current
Federal, State and U.S.C.G. safety and fishing Regulations.
8. Fish must be caught by hook and line. Hand held rods and reels
9. One angler must hook, fight and bring fish up to point of net.
10. Eligible fish may be caught by land, boat or Kayak.
11. No rotten or mutilated fish will be weighed.
12. All fish will be weighed in at Bay Pines Marina / Harbor Master
Tiki at 5000 92nd St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33708. Fish may be
brought in by boat or car.
13. Weigh In will begin at 3:00 pm. Anglers must be in line by 4:00
pm to be eligible to weigh fish.
14. Any fish being weighed in containing lead or any other foreign
matter will be subject to disqualification as determined by the weigh
master. All fish need to be properly cared for.
15. Tie – In the event of a tie, the angler who weighs first wins
(broken by time).
16. “Capt. AL” Master Angler – In the event of a tie the first angler
to the weigh in with the most species wins (ties broken by time).
17. A YOUTH ANGLER eligible for the Youth Angler Prizes must be
12 years or younger on the tournament date. They must catch and
reel the fish to point of net. The Youth Angler (Free Entry) will only
be eligible for the youth division prizes UNLESS they pay the
registration fee, then they can decide if they want to weigh in the
overall or youth division.
18. Tournament Winners Must Be Present at Awards to Receive
Winning Check(s). Anyone receiving a check or prize valued at
$600 or greater must complete a W-9 form.
19. The Honor System applies throughout the entire tournament.
20. If there should be a dispute of any kind the decision of the
Tournament Director will be final. Protests must be accompanied by
a cash fee of $200.00 which will be returned only if the protest is
21. It is up to the discretion of the registered angler to determine
whether his or her craft (if fishing from boat) is seaworthy for
existing sea conditions. Participants are encouraged to keep
abreast of any marine or weather warnings.
22. The Old Salt Fishing Foundation encourages the live release of
all fish not needed for the tournament.
23. All decisions of the tournament committee and weigh master
are final.
Snook, Redfish & Trout – Photo Release Only
1. Anglers are responsible for providing their own digital photo
equipment. (ONLY Digital Photos Allowed) The tournament
committee will not provide any special equipment with which to
photograph or view. All photos turned in for judging will become the
property of the tournament. Smartphones are accepted &
preferred – you will be asked to text the photos at the weigh-in.
2. Be sure you camera card is cleared off with ONLY your Snook,
Redfish and Trout Photos!
3. Snook, Redfish and Trout photos must be taken with an
official Old Salt yellow measuring sticker & plainly visible in
the photo. Available for purchase at Captains Meeting – $6.
4. Pictures must be taken with nose of fish, facing left, flush against
the tournament rule stick with pinched tail. Picture needs to include
the entire fish and clearly show the overall length. ALL NUMBERS
5. A Playing Card will be announced online at
www.OldSaltFishing.com, our facebook page & emailed on Friday,
January 30th at 8pm. This Playing card is your “tournament
indicator” and MUST be included in all Photos. If the wrong card or
no card is shown in the photo, photo will be disqualified. Digital
photos must be turned in at Weigh In on Saturday, February 1st.
The weigh will be held from at 3 – 4pm at Bay Pines Marina/Harbor
Master Tiki Hut
6. No Slot Size is not required for photo release – any size is