What’s Hot- July tends to offer some of the years best offshore fishing. Targets such as Black-fin Tuna, Mahi-Mahi, Wahoo, Sailfish, make their way through our area and make appearances on many trips to depths of 120 feet or more. Tackle should be made ready well in advance of the start of fishing as many times these species will show themselves very briefly while you are on your spot, so make sure you are rigged and ready as they won’t stick around for long.

Snapper- Red snapper are now in season. Target depths will vary depending on the areas you are fishing. For instance, if you are heading north of Clearwater you can start looking in depths of 80 feet on rock piles and ledges. If you are heading south then the starting target depth will be 120 feet. These fish are not too picky when it comes to bottom structure, if there is bait there, then chances are the snapper will be there too. Baits should be on the smaller side, such as Sardines, Pilchards, or even Squid. Watch your bottom machine for large shows, stop the boat over them and drop, if you don’t get a hit in the first 30 seconds of getting to the bottom then you should look elsewhere. Like all snapper these are schooling fish and since they are so aggressive they should be hitting the bait before it hits the bottom.

Pelagic’s – July also marks the start of our trolling season. Trips to depths of 150 feet or more should start producing Black-fin Tuna, Mahi and the stray Wahoo or Sailfish. The Loop current is quite a bit south of our area right now but will be pushing its way up here this month. As it does it will bring much need nutrients to our waters, thus bringing great trolling. A simple trolling spread will do just fine. This will consist of running two smaller baits such as Billy Baits on either side about 100 yards or so behind the boat, these will be your Tuna and Mahi baits. Inside of them you can run a couple of Islanders with Ballyhoo’s short on either side also, these baits are great for Sail-fish and Wahoo, and finally your largest deep diving plugs right behind the boat. Look for rips, current eddy’s, color or temperature changes and bait. Trolling in our waters is one of the best kept secrets we have in the Gulf.

The Suzuki Repower Fishing Report is sponsored by Suzuki Repower and Mastry Engine Center.
Capt. Steve Papen Fintastic Fishing Charters
Capt. Steve’s Website
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Captain Papen runs Fintastic Fishing Charters out of historic John’s Pass in Madeira Beach, Florida. In addition to putting client on fish he has a pretty solid record of putting himself and his team on King Mackerel competing in numerous tournaments and winning the Old salt King of the Beach more than once.
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